Monday, 10 February 2014


A stereotype is a thought about a specific type of individual or about a certain way of doing things. Stereotyped thoughts or beliefs are not always an accurate reflect in reality. A stereotype is used to categorise a group of people. For example, the stereotype used for teenage girls are; all the do is whine and complain, they can't be as strong as guys, they don't know anything about cars and when they wear make up they cake it on.

We stereotype against people, religions, races and many more things because we see them as being different so we have to put them into categories. People stereotype because the human mind likes order and attempts to see patterns in a disorderly situation. People also become lazy and don't make an effort to change their views.

The media uses stereotypes to get more views or followers and gain those followers interest. The more interest that the media can get the more money they make therefore using stereotypes and information they don't know for sure is true.

1 comment:

  1. Good work so far Grace but you need to get to those deeper understanding questions for your texts. Go back to the assessment resource and read through the considerations to make when analysing texts, found on the first 2 pages. Use them to help you expand on the information you have gathered.
